Tree Traversals
- Write the inorder traversal of the tree.
- Write the postorder traversal of this tree.
- Given the binary tree, write the preorder traversal.
- Write the tree in postfix notation. Evaluate.
- Write an inorder traversal of this expression tree.
- Draw the tree for which the inorder output is:
- Draw the binary tree containing n nodes whose preorder sequence
is the same as its inorder sequence.
- Draw the binary tree containing n nodes whose inorder sequence is
the same as its postorder sequence.
- A list of integers is read in, one at a time, and an ordered binary tree is constructed. Next the tree is traversed and the integers are printed. Which traversal would result in a printout which duplicates the original order of the list of integers?
A. preorder
B. postorder
C. inorder
D. none of these
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