Stacks #1

What is a stack (at the logical level)?

Give an example of a stack in everyday life.

  1. In problems 1 and 2, find the output of each program fragment. Show your work.

    apstack S;
    int x = 2, y = 3;
    S.pop( );
    x = S.top( );
    int n = S.length( );
    for(int i=0; i<n;i++)
    while( ! S.isEmpty( ) )
    System.out.println("x is " +  x);

  2. apstack R, S, T;
    for(int i=10; i<50; i+=10)
       S.push( i );
    T = S;
    int a, b;
    while ( ! S.isEmpty( ) )
    int n = T.length( );
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
       System.out.println(a + " " + b);
    System.out.println(" R T");

  3. Write each of the following functions that print the contents of a stack across a page leaving the stack unchanged.

    void displayTopFirst(apstack S)
    //pre- the stack has been initialized
    //post- stack's elements are displayed across the page
    // without spaces, top first, followed by an end-of-
    // line, the stack is unchanged

  4. void displayTopLast(apstack S)
    //pre- the stack has been initialized
    //post- stack's elements are displayed across the page
    // without spaces, top last, followed by an end-of-line;
    // the stack is unchanged

  5. Write a Boolean function which returns true if an String parameter contains matching and non-overlapping brackets - ( ) [ ] { }; otherwise, the function returns false. For example,

    Hint: Push opening symbols onto a stack of characters. When a closing symbol is found, pop the stack to see if the brackets match.

    Boolean bracketsMatch(String str)

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