In this lab you will use apstack objects.
Most text editors have the capacity for the user to make corrections when entering a line of text. The backspace key usually erases the last character typed. Often there is a sequence of keys with the <Ctrl> key that will erase an entire line.
Your task is to write a program that simulates this capacity to edit
a line of input. To simplify the task, use '-'
to erase
the last character typed and '$'
to erase the entire
line so far entered. This program may only use simple types
such as char, int, boolean, and stack structures. In other words,
no arrays, strings, strings, etc. are allowed!
Sample Run
Enter a line of text: Ca-noe$Ra3-fx-t Here is the line you entered: Raft Again (y/n)? y Enter a line of text: AP$$-Compp-utee-r Sic--cei--ience Here is the line you entered: Computer Science Again (y/n)? n