Loop Invariance Worksheet #1

In problems 1 - 4, decide which answer best describes the loop invariant.

int count = 0; temp = 1;
while (count < number)
{   count++;
    temp = temp * base;
A. count < number
B. temp equals base^(count - 1)
C. temp equals count + 1
D. temp equals base^count
E. temp equals base^(count + 1)
int count = 1;
int temp = number;
while (temp >= 10)
{   count ++;
    temp = temp / 10;
A. temp equals number
B. number equals count x temp
C. count equals number / temp
D. temp >= 10
E. (numdigits in number) - (numdigits in temp) + 1 equals count
int Mystery(int num, int max)
{   int temp = 0, index = 0;
    while (index < max)
    {   index++;
      temp += num;
    return temp;
A. temp equals index x num
B. temp equals (index - 1) x num
C. temp equals (index + 1) x num
D. temp equals index - 1
E. temp equals index
const MAX =<some large integer>
int place = 0;
apvector<int> items (MAX);
int sum = items[0];
while (place < MAX - 1)
{   place++;
    sum = sum + items[place];
A. sum contains the value in items[0]
B. sum contains the sum of the values in items[1] to items[place]
C. sum contains the sum of the values in items[0] to items[MAX]
D. sum contains the sum of the values in items[0] to items[place]
E. place < MAX
5. Use the given loop invariant to help you fill in the blanks in the code below:

	int Power(int base, int exp)
	//  calculates base to the exp power
	     int i = _____;
	     int j = _____;
	     int k = _____;
	     while (____________________)
	     // invariant:  i * j^k = base^ exp
		_____________________;	// gets closer
		_____________________;	// restore invariant
	     return __________;

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