Big-O Worksheet

Classify the time efficiency of this program by placing the order of magnitude, in Big-O notation, of each statement in the blank next to the statement. Then place the order of each function to the side and state the program's time efficiency. ________

// statpkg.cpp
#include <iostream.h>				//cin and cout
#include <iomanip.h>				//format output
#include <math.h>					//sqrt( )
#include "apvector.h"					//array object
//function prototypes
void readArray(apvector<double> &list);
double mean(const apvector<double> &list);
double stDev(const apvector<double> &list);
void print(const apvector<double> &list);
const int MAX = 10000;				//_____ 
int main( )					//_____	main( ) _____
	cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed)
	<< setiosflags(ios::showpoint)
	<< setprecision(2);
	apvector<double> list(MAX);				//_____
	readArray(list);							//_____
	cout << "Mean = " << mean(list) << endl;		//_____
	cout << "Standard deviation = "
		<< stDev(list) << endl;				//_____
	print(list);								//_____
	return(0);								//_____
void readArray(apvector<double> &list)			//_____	readArray( ) _____
	int	 n = 0;							//_____
	double height = 0;						//_____
	cout << "Enter heights (<ctrl>Z to stop)";		//_____
	while(cin>>height)			//_____		//_____
		if ( n>= list.length( ) )
		list.resize( 2*list.length( ) );			//_____
		list[n] = height;			//_____		//_____
		n++;					//_____
	list.resize(n);							//_____
void print(const apvector<double> &list) 		//_____	  print( ) _____
	int N = list.length();					//_____
	for(int i=0; i<N; i++)			//_____	//_____
		cout << '[' << i << ']'
			<< setw(6) << list[i]
			<< setw(6)
			<< list[i] - mean(list)/stDev(list)
			<< endl;					//_____

double mean(const apvector<double> &list)	//_____   	mean( ) _____
	double sum = 0;						//_____
	int N = list.length( );					//_____
	for(int i=0; i<N; i++)			//_____	//_____
		sum += list[i];			//_____
	return (double(sum)/N);				//_____

double stDev(const apvector<double> &list)	//_____	  stDev( ) _____
	double diff, sum = 0;					//_____
	int N = list.length();					//_____
	for(int i=0; i<N; i++)			//_____	//_____
		diff = list[i]-mean(list);	//_____	//_____
		sum  = sum + diff*diff;	//_____
	return sqrt(sum/(N-1));				//_____

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